
Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) is wireless communication technology which utilizes light to transmit data and position between devices. The term was first introduced by Harald Haas during a 2011 TEDGlobal talk in Edinburgh. In technical terms, Li-Fi is a light communication system that is capable of transmitting data at high speeds over the visible light, ultraviolet, and infrared spectrums. In its present state, only LED lamps can be used for the transmission of visible light.

In terms of its end use, the technology is similar to Wi-Fi -- the key technical difference being that Wi-Fi uses radio frequency to transmit data whereas Li-Fi uses the modulation of light intensity to transmit data. Owing to light’s high frequency, Li-Fi can transmit data at an speed of about 1GBits/s but it cannot penetrate opaque objects.

I am currently working to make a Li-Fi system which can transmit data from one Arduino to another using visible light. For the purpose I’ll be using laser to transmit data and a L.D.R. to receive data. The project was also proposed at IFI, Kolkata.

Plastic to fuel

Estimates show that less than 5% of the plastic manufactured each year is recycled, with production of the material set to increase by 3.8% every year until 2030, adding to the 6.3 billion tonnes churned out since production began 60 years ago. The majority ends up in our oceans, posing a disruption to marine ecosystems, which researchers predict would take a minimum of 950 years to biodegrade, if ever. Plastic-derived fuels are also capable of producing a cleaner burning fuel than traditional sources due to their low sulphur content, considering the majority of developing nations use sulphur-heavy diesel.The solution of plastics-to-fuel holds promise in not only curbing such pervasive pollution but also providing a significant economic benefit.

Plastics actually are almost hydrocarbons but they have quantities of sulphur, which is not easy to remove. When combusted in air, plastics release oxides of oxygen and sulphur along with water vapour. Knowing the fact that plastics are made from crude oil, I am planning to reverse the process to generate fuel. When it will be heated to temperature of around 150-200 °C, the bonds with sulphur would break up thus giving some other hydrocarbon, leaving behind majority of sulphur. This evolved gas can be then condensed to liquid form, purified and be used as fuel ....

Remotely Controlled Army Tank

I have always wanted to serve the army, and now I have an opportunity to do it. You must have noticed that a milaitary tank is often big and bulky which adds to some of its disadvantages such as slower speed. These tanks are made such to protect the bravehearts inside.But, what if, there was no one in it? The vehicle could then be made smaller in size, with thinner armour, lighter body and increased fuel efficiency.

I am planning to make such a one. A machine which would serve multiple benefits. Though the idea is still on paper, I've planned much of it. For the prototype, I shall be using stem kit as the chasis, an esp32 eye as the computer and the camera. For the gun machanisim, I am still planning ;) When successful it would not only save lives but also add to the power of our army. Remotely controlling such a tank in the battelfield would not require 2-3 men as it does in a normal armoured vehicle, but only one.

Armeture/Model Rocket

Astronomy is no doubt a very interesting subject to learn and what can be better than having a hands on with a rocket. I am planning to make a small model rocket that would not go up in space but is sure to touch heights. Model rockets popularly known as armature rockets are almost same as "home made rocket". In India a Banglore based organisation named rockteers have taken the initiative to teach the young generation about model rockets.

I am planning to make a single stage, 3 part rocket The first part will be the nose which will carry the payload and in our case it will be the parachute The second part will be the main body which will be a cylindrical tube of cardboard. It will house nothing but will be the main organ to make our rocket reusable. The third part will be a PVC which shall contain the rocket motor The fuel we'll use will be a solid fuel. It in itself will be in three parts, the major portion of it being the normal sugar fuel. As it is very slow in initial ignition, I am planning to boost it using zinc-sulphur fuel I am also planning to use the same powder in our fuse, only adding to it some charcoal just to slow down the reaction a bit. Most probably, I'll use two sets of aerodinamic fins, one on the middle of the body and other on the bottom.


The world is fast changing and one of the many proves are cryptocurrencies. Today there are many cryptos and all of them function on their own blockchain. Of the many blockchain networks etherium is one of them and it offers a test network - Ropsten. The resources of this network can be found online easily

So, I made a Cryptocurrency token on this network. The token address for my currency (Lallu - LOL) is 0xd0e4d29666111A50a40BF328e1b5eB8e82e495F4 (18 decimal) which has a max cap of 5K Cr LOLs. The details of the currency is available here. (BTW, if you are interseted to have some please text me)